Lectures & Seminars
- Taxation and Climate Change (19 March 2025)
- Safeguarding Biodiversity: Unveiling Corporate Governance’s Silent Challenge (24 February 2025)
- Reassessing the End of History: Directors’ Duties and Shareholders’ Rights in Comparative Context (18 February 2025)
- Book Talk: On Privacy and Technology (12 February 2025)
- HKU Competition Law Lecture Series “The Role of Economic Incentives within the Law: the Case of Cartel Fines” (10 February 2025)
- U.S. Insider Trading Regulation: The Need for Remediation (13 December 2024)
- Combatting Collusion and Corruption in Public Procurement: A Challenge for Government’s Worldwide (25 November 2024)
- Notable Public Lecture: Hong Kong as an International Insolvency Hub (25 November 2024)
- HKU Law & UNIDROIT Day (6 November 2024)
- Forfeiture and Shortfall Claims (4 November 2024)
- Lessons from a Malaysian Company Law Case and Tension between Minority Rights and Management Efficacy: The Apex Equity Appeal at Federal Court (1 November 2024)
- Book Talk “The Privacy Fallacy: Harm and Power in the Information Economy” (16 October 2024)
- The Global Minimum Taxation (GloBE) – Implementation in Asia-Pacific, Europe and the Middle East and Impact on Tax Incentives, Tax Systems and Tax Competition – Is Hong Kong Prepared? (10 October 2024)
- Future Challenges for Professionals and their Insurers (2 October 2024)
- The Pillar Two Model Rules: Ensuring Minimum Taxation for Multinational Enterprises (25 September 2024)
- Cross-border Data Transfer: Key Takeaways from the European Commission’s Adequacy Decision for Korea (2021) and the Data Privacy Framework for the US (2023) (23 September 2024)
- Antitrust Remedies for Digital Platforms (4 June 2024)
- United Nations Role in International Tax Order: Past, Present and Future (28 February 2024)
- Book Talk: Blockchain Regulation and Governance in Europe (20 February 2024)
- Future Law Innovation Programme: Lawtech and the Development of Legal Education in Singapore (2 February 2024)
- Open Finance, Artificial Intelligence and Data Quality (30 January 2024)
- Strategic Incentives for Adopting the Global Minimum Tax (26 January 2024)
- Book Talk: Coherence between Data Protection and Competition Law in Digital Markets (18 January 2024)
- UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Day 2023: The Role of Technology and Law in Cross-Border Trade (20 December 2023)
- The Quiet Revolution: Foreign Ownership and Corporate Governance (13 December 2023)
- Book Talk: The New Stock Market: Law, Economics, and Policy (11 December 2023)
- Book Talk: Rethinking Securities Law (1 December 2023)
- Deposit Insurance in the Aftermath of Recent Bank Failures (16 November 2023)
- Trusts in the Courts – a Period of Constant Change? (13 November 2023)
- The Return of Interference in Sovereign Affairs and International Law (9 November 2023)
- How Should Central Banks Explore CBDC (6 November 2023)
- Should Hong Kong Follow New Zealand’s Decision to Implement a Digital Services Tax? (1 November 2023)
- The Evolution of Commercial Dispute Resolution Clauses in the International Commercial, Financial and Investment Contracts of China’s Enterprises – a Forward Look (18 October 2023)
- Virtual Banking and Beyond (27 September 2023)
- Book Launch: The Law of Loyalty (15 September 2023)
- Book Talk: Breaking Away – How to Regain Control Over Our Data, Privacy, and Autonomy (14 September 2023)
- Access to Sustainable Finance: The Impact of Private International Law (14 September 2023)
- Land Options for Housing: How New Property Rights Can Break Old Land Monopolies (12 June 2023)
- The Strength of Bad Ties: Modeling Tying Caselaw Since the Sherman Act (23 May 2023)
- Book Talk: The Future of High-Cost Credit – Rethinking Payday Lending (12 May 2023)
- The Cross-Border Insolvency Cooperation between Mainland China and Hong Kong SAR: Is the Arrangement Enough and Why? (3 May 2023)
- AI in Insurance: A New Regulatory Focus (28 April 2023)
- Book Talk: The Administrative Foundations of the Chinese Fiscal State (14 April 2023)
- The Public Revenue Regime in Hong Kong: Land & Housing (13 April 2023)
- Global Minimum Tax Reform and the Future of Tax Competition (15 March 2023)
- Metaverse in China (7 March 2023)
- The Covid 19 Pandemic and Business Interruption Insurance (BII) (28 February 2023)
- Regulation and Innovation – Where Does the Balance Lie for Crypto? (15 February 2023)
- Book Talk: Comparative Law (1 February 2023)
- Contractual Estoppel: A First Look at First Tower Trustees in Hong Kong (5 January 2023)
- Book Talk: Courts, Regulators, and the Scrutiny of Economic Evidence (13 December 2022)
- Patent Licensing in IoT – SEPs and Patent Pools (13 December 2022)
- The Future of Financial Centers (29 November 2022)
- Global Minimum Tax Reform and China (23 November 2022)
- The Changing Landscape of Inbound and Outbound Investment to and from Hong Kong: Taxation Implications for Investors and Corporate Entities (25 August 2022)
- The Future of Tax Jurisdiction (22 June 2022)
- Book Talk: Hong Kong Competition Law – Comparative and Theoretical Perspectives (28 April 2022)
- Understanding the Momentous Mainland-Hong Kong Cross-Border Insolvency Arrangement (21 April 2022)
- Blockchain Asset Registries-Freeing Crypto from Mania (12 April 2022)
- Protecting Policy Holders’ Interests in Health Insurance (31 March 2022)
- China’s Rising (and the United States’ Declining) Influence on Global Tax Governance? Some Observations (3 March 2022)
- Book Talk: Regulating the Crypto Economy: Business Transformations and Financialisation (24 February 2022)
- Book Talk: Reforming Antitrust (24 February 2022)
- Creating Equitable Tax Systems: Challenges Posed by Financial Markets (17 February 2022)
- Book Talk: Consumer Theories of Harm – An Economic Approach to Consumer Law Enforcement and Policy Making (30 November 2021)
- Hong Kong and BEPS 2.0 (30 November 2021)
- Ethical Development and Use of AI and Singapore’s Approach to Developing Trustworthy AI (22 November 2021)
- A Multilateral Agreement on Carbon Pricing and Implications for Developing Countries (17 November 2021)
- PSD2 and the Regulation of Data-Based Innovation in Retail Banking: A European Perspective (6 October 2021)
- AI Governance and Open Finance Initiatives (13 September 2021)
- Digital Assets in Hong Kong: What are They and How are They Taxed (31 May 2021)
- AIIFL supported DataFlow 2 Go (20 May 2021)
- AIIFL co-organised The Fragmentation of Commercial Law: Challenges and Normative Approaches (11 May 2021)
- AIIFL supported Use of Orphan Special Purpose Vehicles (“SPVs”) for Structured Finance (24 March 2021)
- AIIFL supported FINTECH for ESG Series: Digitizing Green Bonds in Hong Kong (4 February 2021)
- Security Token Offerings (11 December 2020)
- Tax Residency, Investment Opportunities and Retirement Considerations for the Expat post-COVID-19 (9 December 2020)
- AIIFL co-organised Central Bank Digital Currency: Key Developments and Relevance in the Post COVID-19 Monetary Environment (21 October 2020)
- AIIFL co-organised US Sanctions on Hong Kong and Its Legal and Financial Implications (3 September 2020)
- Financial Inclusion, A Hong Kong Perspective (30 June 2020)
- AIIFL co-organised Fintech, a Catalyst for Growth During COVID-19 (6 May 2020)
- BEPS 2.0 (22 November 2019)
- Artificial Intelligence: Recent Developments and Legal and Policy Implications (1 November 2019)
- Blockchain and the UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions: A Question of Compatibility (15 October 2019)
- Enhancing Investor Protection Via Regulatory Updates (17 September 2019)
- Parallel Holdings and Antitrust: A Global Perspective (16 September 2019)
- Cryptocurrencies & Initial Coin Offerings: Are they Scams? – An Empirical Study (6 September 2019)
- Lunchtime Brownbag Dialogue with Dr Hungyi Chen (13 August 2019)
- Real Estate Tokenization – Challenges and Opportunities in Hong Kong (21 June 2019)
- Blockchain, Big Data and International Tax Compliance (19 June 2019)
- The Role of Soft Law in Expanding China’s Belt and Road Initiative into the Global Information Economy (11 June 2019)
- Legal Regulation for the Fourth Industrial Age (20 May 2019)
- Is My Financial Adviser Advising Me? Does He Have To? Obligations of Financial ‘Advisers’ at Common Law (26 April 2019)
- The Quickening Pace of Money and Payments Digitization: Operational and Legal Aspects (25 April 2019)
- Fish Out of the Water: Thailand’s Early Experience with Adopting Trust Law (8 April 2019)
- Corporate Liability and the Criminalisation of Failure (11 March 2019)
- Consumer Protection for Insurance Services: Evaluating Hong Kong’s Sector-specific Approach (6 March 2019)
- The Myth of Capitalism – Capitalism is Dying and Competition Law Interpretation is to Blame (26 February 2019)
- When Sharing Platforms Fix Sellers’ Prices (21 December 2018)
- Environmental Integration in Competition and Free-Movement Laws (17 December 2018)
- Fiduciary Principles in Investment Advice (11 December 2018)
- 法律屬性與監管邏輯:從比特幣到區塊鏈 (5 December 2018)
- Disruptive Innovation of Online Transportation: Pros and Cons in the Era of Big Data (23 November 2018)
- What is Finance for? A Functional Framework for Finance and Law (22 November 2018)
- Law as a Product: Competition for Corporate Charters (21 November 2018)
- Driving a Culture of Legal Innovation: From private practice in London and New York to Legal Hackers and Stanford CodeX and Legaltech (20 November 2018)
- Cultural Relativism Interpretation of Indonesia’s Blasphemy Law: Does Religious Values Effect Foreign Investment? (20 November 2018)
- Does Agency Structure Affect Agency Decisionmaking? Implications of the CFPB’s Design for Administrative Governance (19 November 2018)
- The Digital Innovation – Smart Contract and Blockchain Anti-Fraud Solution (2 November 2018)
- Empowering Financial Services Regulators (31 October 2018)
- Double Insurance and Contribution (26 October 2018)
- Recent Changes to the Laws Governing CFIUS, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, and its Impact (10 October 2018)
- Blockchain and Financial Institutions – Pandora’s Box or Panacea for all Ills (21 September 2018)
- Dispute Resolution – Current Developments and Perspectives of MDBs (21 September 2018)
- The Internationalisation of Financial Services Regulatory Policy (13 September 2018)
- Brexit as a Catalyst for Change? Re-Framing UK Collective Fund Regulation (12 September 2018)
- Assessing the Impact of Law and Legal Culture on the Development of FinTech in the US, UK, EU and China (14 June 2018)
- Investments, Pensions, and Strategic Planning – Taxation Opportunities and Traps for Hong Kong Residents and Expats (12 June 2018)
- Blockchain & IP related Transfer Pricing Arrangements (28 May 2018)
- Securities and (Derivatives?) Trading and Clearing in the Era of Blockchain: A Glass Half Full! (3 May 2018)
- Cryptocurrencies: Beyond the Hype Key Issues, Risks and Solutions (16 April 2018)
- Multinationals under Siege – The Changing Nature of International Tax and Trade Disputes (11 April 2018)
- The Arm’s Length Price Myth (9 April 2018)
- Reflections on Financial Markets Regulation in Hong Kong and Globally (23 March 2018)
- The Future of Aviation Finance (14 and 21 March 2018)
- Where’s the Sheriff? Opportunities and Challenges in Regulating Cryptoexchanges in the Wild West (15 March 2018)
- Public and Private Enforcement of Corporate and Securities Laws: An Empirical Comparison of Hong Kong and Singapore (7 March 2018)
- The ICO Goldrush: Is it a scam, a bubble or an important new financing technique? (2 March 2018)
- Less is More? Different Regulatory Responses to Crowdfunding and Why the Hong Kong Model Stacks Up Well (31 Jan 2018)
- Private International Law Aspects of CISG (18 December 2017)
- EU Trade Law and Policy in the Brexit/Trump Era (8 November 2017)
- Directors’ Liability for an Insolvent Company’s Debts: Comparative Law Remarks (24 October 2017)
- China’s Proposal of a Multilateral Investment Treaty: A Long Road Ahead (20 October 2017)
- The Criminalisation of Cartel Activity: A Sensible Policy Choice? (21 September 2017)
- Foreign, Cross-Border, Privately Negotiated Acquisitions and Dispositions of China’s Non-Performing Loans (13 September 2017)
- The Regulatory Dimension of Security Rights: Is Secured Transactions Law Prudentially Sound? (7 September 2017)
- Boards Make-up: A New Corporate Paradigm, for which Governance? (22 August 2017)
- 家族企業的公司治理: 信託制度在家業傳承的運用及實務案例 (2017年8月21日)
- 財務信息披露責任保險研究 (A Study on Financial Information Disclosure Liability Insurance) (2017年8月18日)
- 一種新型法律分析模型的使用: 基於SNA模型的中國大陸農業生產性基礎設施PPP項目法律風險分析研究 (A New Method of Legal Analysis: Research on Risk Assessment of PPP Project in China’s Agricultural Productive Infrastructure Based on SNA) (2017年6月22日)
- 商業價值判斷原則與公司治理之選擇 – 以中國大陸房地產上市公司寶能收購萬科一案中的公司治理為例 (Business Judgement Rule in the Corporate Governance Selection: A Case Study of Corporate Governance in China’s Real Estate Listed Companies) (2017年6月20日)
- Expats & Professionals in Greater China: Retirement Planning Opportunities & Challenges (13 June 2017)
- Can Hong Kong Become the InsurTech Hub for Asia? (7 June 2017)
- Innovation Law’s Lessons for Fixing Qianhai (25 May 2017)
- The Qatari Financial Sector: Building Bridges between Domestic and International (12 May 2017)
- Detecting Collusion among Competitors – Economic Evidence (27 April 2017)
- Governing the Global Governors: The Competence and Constraints of International Administrative Tribunals (24 April 2017)
- The Origin and Evolution of China’s Institutions: A Comparative Institutional Analysis (19 April 2017)
- COMPLIANCE SERIES: Meena DATWANI, JP – Risk-based Approach (19 April 2017)
- COMPLIANCE SERIES: Stuart Somer – Compliance as a Process (5 April 2017)
- Competition Law in Hong Kong and in Ireland: Superficially Similar but Deeply Different? (31 March 2017)
- Hong Kong’s Involvement with International Tax Reform: What’s the ‘BEPS’? (30 March 2017)
- How Lenders Evaluate Lawsuits? Evidence from Corporate Bond Market (21 March 2017)
- “Decoupling” and the Governance of Public Corporations — “Empty Creditors,” “Empty Voters,” and Hidden Interests (17 March 2017)
- Rethinking the Relationship between Criminal Law and Markets (9 March 2017)
- COMPLIANCE SERIES: Jill Wong – On Regulatory Investigations (1 March 2017)
- COMPLIANCE SERIES: Virtue in the Jaws of Temptation: Responsibility for Conduct in Licensed Corporations (15 February 2017)
- Governing the FinTech Revolution: Assessing the Impact a Decade of EU Payment Law Reforms (13 February 2017)
- The Role of Hong Kong’s Financial Regulations in Improving Corporate Governance Standards in China (10 February 2017)
- Global Development of Islamic Banking and Bonds (Sukuk) (19 December 2016)
- The Globalization of Entrepreneurial Litigation: Law, Culture, and Incentives (15 December 2016)
- Preserving the Corporate Superego in a Time of Activism (14 December 2016)
- COMPLIANCE SERIES: Alice Law – On regulatory expectations (7 December 2016)
- UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Day 2016: Cross-Border Insolvency (5 December 2016)
- Compliance Officers and Professionalism in Legal Services Firms in England and Wales (23 November 2016)
- An Update on Hong Kong’s Exchange of Information Developments and Engaging with BEPS (18 November 2016)
- COMPLIANCE SERIES: Dr Tony Tan – Why behaving ethically is so hard (17 November 2016)
- FinTech, RegTech and the Reconceptualization of Financial Regulation (10 November 2016)
- Cross-Border Investment and Mergers & Acquisitions (3 November 2016)
- COMPLIANCE SERIES: Bénédicte Nolens – Evolution of the Compliance Role (2 November 2016)
- Proposed Enhancements to The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited’s Decision-Making and Governance Structure for Listing Regulation (31 October 2016)
- Regulating Non-bank Financial Intermediaries in Asia (22 September 2016)
- Legal Foundations of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (19 September 2016)
- Career Talk for Students “Thinking of a Career in Finance?” (14 September 2016)
- Technology, Regulation and the Democratization of Financial Services (7 September 2016)
- Investment Banking and Financial Centres Since the Global Financial Crisis (18 August 2016)
- From Dealing to Dark Pools: Half a Century of Securities Regulation (11 July 2016)
- Implementation of the Competition Ordinance in Hong Kong (14 June 2016)
- Are Trusts Still a Strategic Investment Vehicle for Clients? (7 June 2016)
- Securitisation and Post-Crisis Financial Regulation (2 June 2016)
- Stock Exchange Competition in the PRC (15 April 2016)
- Tax Concessions Granted to Charities – an International Comparison (1 April 2016)
- The Promise and Perils of Crowdfunding (31 March 2016)
- Transnational Tax Law: Fiction or Reality, Future or Now? (23 March 2016)
- The German Law on Conversions – Principles and Experiences after 20 Years (21 March 2016)
- Getting Back to Basics: What is Financial Regulation Trying Solve For? (11 March 2016)
- Mechanisms for Corporate Decision Making by Nobel Laureate Professor Eric Maskin (22 February 2016)
- 中國農村社區重劃的法律問題和歷程 – 基於土地政策的研究 (25 January 2016)
- The Taxation of Trusts in Hong Kong (2 December 2015)
- Overlapping Jurisdictions and the Resolution of Disputes Before Chinese and Foreign Courts (19 November 2015)
- China’s Shadow Banking Industry and Impact on Capital Markets: Ignoring the Lessons of the Past (9 November 2015)
- An Arbitrator’s Perspective of International Arbitration in Asia (29 October 2015)
- The Duties of Controlling Shareholders-Complex Relationships, Legal Confusion and New Approaches (28 October 2015)
- Building a Global Framework for Investment Funds? A Euro-Asian Comparison (13 October 2015)
- Rethinking Independent Non-Executive Directorships in Hong Kong (8 October 2015)
- New Trends Regarding Sustainability and Integrated Reporting for Companies: What Protection Do Directors Have? (21 September 2015)
- Tax Hot Topics Affecting Dual Residents (20 August 2015)
- Should HKEx Allow Weighted Voting Rights? (10 July 2015)
- Enhancing Accountability in Securities Enforcement (18 June 2015)
- Current Issues in Securities Enforcement (18 June 2015)
- Market-Dominant Small Jurisdictions in a Globalizing Financial World (9 June 2015)
- Does Reputational Risk Limit Opportunistic Behavior in the Venture Capital Industry? (29 May 2015)
- Unbundling and Measuring Tunneling (27 May 2015)
- Shareholder Agreements and Corporate Control (13 May 2015)
- Critical Analysis of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) (6 May 2015)
- Regulating FinTech Innovation: A Balancing Act (1 April 2015)
- Crowdfunding: Solving the SME Funding Problem and Democratising Access to Capital? (11 March 2015)
- Introduction of the New Draft Foreign Investment Law of China (6 March 2015)
- Behavioural Findings and Financial Market Regulation (2 February 2015)
- Legislation by Press Release: Hong Kong’s New Stamp Duties – Why & How They Work (8 January 2015)
- TLRP Special Joint Seminar by Mr Philip Baker QC and Mr Patrick Way QC (18 December 2014)
- Securitization in China – Overview & Issues (4 December 2014)
- China and the European Union: The Solar Dispute from a Practitioner’s Viewpoint (26 November 2014)
- Market Misconduct: Its Coverage and Must Know Recent Developments (24 November 2014)
- The New European Approach to the Regulation of Public Procurement (13 November 2014)
- Legal Valuation in Chinese Tax Law (5 November 2014)
- Is the Hong Kong Immigration System for Professionals, Executives and Investors an Impediment for Hong Kong’s Development as an International Financial Centre? (31 October 2014)
- Financial Centres under Pressure: Geography of Finance in the Post-2008 Era (21 October 2014)
- Roundtable on Corporate Governance in Hong Kong as an International Financial Centre (25 September 2014)
- Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes in China’s Context (18 June 2014)
- Gold & Precious Metals Trading (13 June 2014)
- Taxation and Residency Requirements in Hong Kong, Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States – An International Update in 2014 for Individuals, and Corporate Entities (12 June 2014)
- Terms of Insurance Contracts (3 June 2014)
- Stress Management (15 May 2014)
- The Foundations of Hong Kong’s Banking Regulation and Supervision: Challenges of Internationalisation in the 1970s and 1980s (29 April 2014)
- Building the New Model of Great Powers Relations and US-China Competition in the Asia-Pacific (24 April 2014)
- Freedom to Exercise Contractual Rights of Termination (4 April 2014)
- Legal Regulations for Countering Corruption in the Russian Federation (25 March 2014)
- Business Tax: Public Debate and Future Trends (24 March 2014)
- International Business: Challenges Experienced in a Global and National Interconnected World (21 March 2014)
- Volcker Rule Final Regulations (18 March 2014)
- Images of the Shareholder – The Regulatory Implications of Shareholder Power and Powerlessness (12 March 2014)
- Proving Money Laundering in Hong Kong (11 March 2014)
- Conflict of Law Issues in Loan Transactions (26 February 2014)
- The Rise of the International Commercial Court: What Is It and Will It Work? (24 February 2014)
- Mandate of Financial Stability Board and Implementation of its Systemic Risk Standards (14 February 2014)
- The Use of Economics in Antitrust Litigation: Qihoo 360 v. Tencent QQ (7 January 2014)
- Hong Kong in a World of Acronyms: East Asia and the WTO, TPP, TISA, IMF, FSB, G20 and QEIII (18 December 2013)
- Access to Finance and Microfinance Regulation in Cambodia (6 December 2013)
- Last of the Tai-Pans: Improving Corporate Governance in Hong Kong (29 November 2013)
- Resolving Disputes with International Financial Institutions (26 November 2013)
- Preserving the ‘Analytic Framework’ of Law: The Challenge of Industry Rulemaking (8 November 2013)
- The Tangled Web We Weave: Complexity in the Australian Consumer Law (6 November 2013)
- The Governance of Corporate Acquisitions (23 October 2013)
- The Euro Area Debt Crisis and Its Implications for the Future of the European Union (21 October 2013)
- National Tax Law and International Tax Cooperation and Tax Planning Issues: Lessons from Liechtenstein (18 October 2013)
- The Role of Asset Management Law / AIFMD in Developing a Financial Centre (8 October 2013)
- The American Experience with Self-Regulation of Finance (27 September 2013)
- The Establishment of the Independent Insurance Authority (25 September 2013)
- What Makes the Bonding Stick? A Natural Experiment Involving the U.S. Supreme Court and Cross-Listed Firms (10 July 2013)
- Legal Transplanting: International Financial Institutions and Secured Transactions Law Reform in South Pacific Island Nations (13 June 2013)
- Feeling the Heat: Will Hong Kong Succumb to International Pressure for Enhanced Transparency, Cooperation and Information Exchange on Taxation Matters? (10 June 2013)
- Remuneration and Riots: Rethinking Corporate Governance Reform in the Age of Entitlement (31 May 2013)
- Regulation of Cross-Border OTC Derivatives (28 May 2013)
- What Effect Does Financial Law Have on the Wealth Management Industry (and Wealth) in Emerging Markets? (22 May 2013)
- Developing an International Arbitration Practice (3 May 2013)
- Designing a General Anti-avoidance Rule (11 April 2013)
- Why Some Firms Thrive While Others Fail: Governance and Management Lessons From the Crisis (27 March 2013)
- Capitalist Tools in Socialist Hands? China Mobile in the Global Financial Network (15 March 2013)
- US Corporate Governance Update: Implementing the Dodd Frank Act, the Impact of the JOBS Act and the Regulation of Reverse Mergers (6 March 2013)
- Costs, Benefits and the Analysis of Financial Regulation (25 January 2013)
- Dispute Concerning the Plain Packaging of Tobacco Products (12 December 2012)
- Harmful Tax Competition Between Member States of the EU (8 November 2012)
- Contractual Approach to Discipline Self-dealing by Controlling Shareholders (7 November 2012)
- BRICS: Experiments with State Capitalism and Institutional Investment (25 October 2012)
- Legitimacy of the G-20 as Global Financial Regulator (18 October 2012)
- Australian Corporate Governance (12 October 2012)
- The US-PRC UnionPay WTO Dispute: Bringing the Back Office Front & Center (5 October 2012)
- A GST/VAT Can Be Made to Work Well in a Small Jurisdiction with Time: The New Zealand Experience (4 October 2012)
- Capturing the Aurora of the Dawn after the Financial Crisis (15 September 2012)
- If There is Another Eurozone Sovereign Restructuring … (9 July 2012)
- Recent Developments in Liability Insurance (20 June 2012)
- Dodd-Frank Act: Extra-Territorial Impact on Swap Dealers (15 May 2012)
- Dodd-Frank Act: Extra-Territorial Impact of the Volcker Rule (8 May 2012)
- The Euro Zone Debt Crisis – Why Greece is (not) Argentina (2 May 2012)
- President Obama’s Pivot to Asia-Pacific and US-China Relations (27 April 2012)
- The EU as a Leading Actor in International Trade and Investment (25 April 2012)
- The EU Commission’s Proposal for a Financial Transaction Tax (26 March 2012)
- Harmonising Sales Law (20 March 2012)
- The Global Stock Market: Issuers, Investors, and Intermediaries In an Uneven World (5 March 2012)
- Will the United States Government Ever Again Have a Functioning Budgetary System? (27 February 2012)
- The Legal Framework for Bank-Customer Relationship in Israel (23 February 2012)
- The Bank’s Fiduciary Duty – Towards a New Model (22 February 2012)
- Supervision of Financial Conglomerates – Are Measures Avoiding Systemic Risks and Achieving Financial Stability Available? (1 February 2012)
- High Frequency Trading (15 December 2011)
- Recent Trends on Private Equity Fund Investments and Governance in China (14 December 2011)
- Unleashing the Power of Risk & Crisis Management in New Business Development (7 December 2011)
- Can International Trade Negotiations at the WTO Ever Succeed? (22 November 2011)
- Transfer Pricing: Implications of the Recent SNF Judgment (9 November 2011)
- The Challenges Facing the Multilateral Trading System (4 November 2011)
- Competition Law and the Regulation of Buyer Power (25 October, 2011)
- Hong Kong’s Developing Double Tax Agreement (DTA) Regime: A Case Study of the HKSAR-New Zealand DTA (1 September 2011)
- China’s Ascent in Global Trade Governance: From Rule Taker to Rule Shaker, and Maybe Rule Maker? (13 July 2011)
- Fraud Liability of Foreign Issuers under the US Securities Laws (23 May 2011)
- U.S. Tax Enforcement and Offshore Assets: Recent Developments and Legal Options (28 April 2011)
- Property Law and the City (26 April 2011)
- Effective Application of Dispute Resolution in the Financial Services Industry and Preparing for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre (14 April 2011)
- Tax Treaty Benefits for the Income of Collective Investment Vehicles (12 April 2011)
- Sovereign Immunities and the Congo Case: International and Constitutional Law Considerations and their Implications for Hong Kong as a World Financial Center (17 March 2011)
- China Aerospace Trade: Developments in U.S. and Canadian Export Control Law & Policy for Aviation and Space Technology Products & Services (10 March 2011)
- What Now After the Great Recession? Perspectives on Global Trade and the Relevance of International Cooperation (24 February 2011)
- The Impact of Fundamental Rights on Taxation: the European Perspective (26 January 2011)
- Green Border Tax Adjustments and their Consequences for Chinese Tax Policy and Trade (20 January 2011)
- Globalisation and the Future of Corporate – Shareholder Taxation (15 December 2010)
- The Growth of Australia’s National Corporate Regulator (Australian Securities and Investments Commission): “The New Puppet Master or Just a Gatekeeper?” (8 December 2010)
- Recent Developments in Securities Law (30 November 2010)
- The Future of the European Union after the Lisbon Treaty (22 November 2010)
- Good Governance at ANZ in Asia Pacific, Europe & America (19 November 2010)
- Disclosure of Price Sensitive Information: is there a Correspondence Between State Enforcement and Compliance? (17 November 2010)
- Common Law Rules for Regulating Derivatives (15 October 2010)
- Taxation Planning in an International Environment (21 September 2010)
- Adapting the Full Protection and Security Standard of International Investment Law to the Digital Age (7 September 2010)
- The Limits of the WTO as a Promoter of Freedom of Speech: Reflections on a Potential Google Dispute (21 July 2010)
- Did We Tame the Beast? Some Thoughts on the US Financial Reforms (7 July 2010)
- Reform of Insurance Law: Recent Developments in the United Kingdom (14 June 2010)
- OTC Derivatives Regulation in Hong Kong: The Way Forward and Challenges (8 June 2010)
- Taxation in Mainland China: Tax Law or Administrative Rulings – Which is “King”? (2 June 2010)
- A Lack of Resolution (14 May 2010)
- Are Securities Class Actions in the U.S. “Supplemental” to SEC Enforcement? An Empirical Analysis (7 May 2010)
- International Taxation Prosecutions (30 April 2010)
- International Financial Dispute Resolution (15 April 2010)
- A Greek Test for the European Monetary Union (13 April 2010)
- Recent Development of Investors’ Liability and Practical Solutions in China (29 March 2010)
- The IRS and Americans With Foreign Accounts: Looming Tax and Enforcement Issues (22 March 2010)
- Hong Kong’s Tax History and Some of the Questions It Raises (25 February 2010)
- The Taxation of Offshore Residents from the USA, UK and Australia – A Comparative Analysis (2 February 2010)
- Mobile Financial Services (25 January 2010)
- Future of Microfinance: Leveraging the Platform (21 January 2010)
- Control, Conflict, and Corporate Rescue (9 December 2009)
- Regulating the Credit Rating Agencies: Governing the Financial Oracle (8 December 2009)
- The Common Law Concept of ‘Charity’ (7 December 2009)
- A Primer on Leveraged Buyouts and the Role of Corporate Counsel (20 November 2009)
- Better Than Fuller: A Two Interest Model of Remedies for Breach of Contract (5 November 2009)
- The European Union and the Global Financial Crisis: Responses and Global Role (4 November 2009)
- After Kyoto: International Welfarism and the Impossibility of Global Carbon Trading (3 November 2009)
- European Union Jurisdiction over Foreign Investment and the Impact on Investor State Arbitration (29 October 2009)
- Current Issues in Global Financial Regulation (5 October 2009)
- Demands of a Multi-jurisdictional Practice on a Corporate Counsel’s Skill Set (25 September 2009)
- Teaching Property Law in the United States (4 September 2009)
- The Evolution of Property Rights (3 September 2009)
- Reinsurance (16 June 2009)
- The U.S. Economic Crisis: Causes, Myths and Solutions (4 May 2009)
- Corporate Governance – Compliance Culture at GE (27 March 2009)
- The Greatest Uncontrolled Power within the Global Financial System (20 March 2009)
- Competition and Government: How Much Regulation? (12 March 2009)
- Whistleblowing as Legal Duty and Right (9 January 2009)
- Tax in the Virtual World (18 December 2008)
- Credit Default Swaps – Why Were They So Popular and What Was Their Part in the Financial Crisis? (28 November 2008)
- Antitrust Law in China and Hong Kong – A Critical Perspective (26 November 2008)
- The Law of Monopoly Control in the EC and UK (6 November 2008)
- The Global Credit Crisis: Causes and Consequences (24 October 2008)
- The Interpretation of Article 56 of the European Community Treaty (12 September 2008)
- Risk Taking, the Limits of Law and Regulatory Failure – The Case of Northern Rock (8 September 2008)
- Shareholderism: Board Members’ Values and the Shareholder-Stakeholder Dilemma (25 July 2008)
- Achieving Tax Reform: Consultation in a Tax Policy Network (23 June 2008)
- Professional Indemnity Insurance (19 June 2008)
- Dating Games in the U.S. Executive Suite: A Scandal Hong Kong Can Avoid (12 June 2008)
- Modernisation of EU Competition Policy – A Model for the New Chinese Anti-Monopoly Law? (22 May 2008)
- The Shareholder Empowerment Debate: Lessons from News Corp’s Exodus to Delaware (21 May 2008)
- Islamic Finance and ADR (6 May 2008)
- Legal Reform in Transition Countries: the EBRD Approach (10 April 2008)
- Corporate Governance and Shareholder Litigation (3 April 2008)
- Transnationalisation of Law and Finance (27 March 2008)
- Dynastic Chinese Law and the Modern Chinese Legal Identity (18 March 2008)
- The Meaning and Reach of a Contractual Choice of Law Clause in International Financial Transactions (17 March 2008)
- The New Financial Instruments and Exchange Law of Japan and Better Regulation Issues (22 January 2008)
- Executive Compensation in the USA (10 January 2008)
- Capital Markets Competitiveness and the Forced Internationalization of US Securities Regulation (7 January 2008)
- The Legacy of UK Taxation Law Abroad (18 December 2007)
- Defacto Multi-jurisdictional Context Within a Formally Unitary State: Tax in China (17 December 2007)
- China’s New Enterprise Income Tax Law (13 December 2007)
- Japanese and Chinese Competition Laws in the Context of an Emerging Global Consensus (12 December 2007)
- Reducing Systemic and Legal Risk in International Derivatives Markets (4 December 2007)
- Corporate Governance in the U.S.: A Brief History and Present Standards (30 November 2007)
- Jurisprudential Perspectives of Taxation Law (7 November 2007)
- The Tools of Government (16 October 2007)
- Human Rights in Securities Regulation (25 June 2007)
- Directors’ Duty of Care in Australia – A Reform Model? (20 June 2007)
- A System of Selective Substitute Compliance (5 June 2007)
- Corporate Social Responsibility (4 May 2007)
- Reputational Sanctions in China’s Securities Market (23 April 2007)
- Financial Regulatory Reform in post-WTO China (18 April 2007)
- The Ecology of Chinese Corporate Governance (2 March 2007)
- International E-Trade (2 February 2007)
- A New Tax Adventure for Hong Kong and the EU – The HKSAR-Belgium Double Tax Treaty (18 January 2007)
- Recent Developments in International Banking Law (6 July 2006)
- Does Hong Kong Need Competition Law? What Might It Control and How? (22 June 2006)
- Regulation of Socially Responsible Investment in the Financial Services Sector: Global Trends and Lessons (29 May 2006)
- Cambodia – Law, Context, and Development (29 April 2006)
- Too Many Bells? Too Many Whistles? Corporate Governance in the Post Enron, Post WorldCom Era: Implications for China (29 March 2006)
- Business Law and Legal Education in Japan (22 March 2006)
- Intellectual Property Rights in Secured Transactions (19 May 2005)
- Basel II – Recent Developments (18 May 2005)
- Financial Structure and Corporate Governance: Comparative Approaches (18 April 2005)
- The Intellectual Property Land Rush: Has IP Gone Too Far? (13 January 2005)
- The Truth of the True Sale (14 October 2004)
- Recent Developments in US and European Securities Regulation (5 October 2004)
- China Banking Liberalisation and Restructuring (4 October 2004)
- Learning from Enron (20 September 2004)
- Copyright, Globalization and Digital Networks (25 May 2004)
- Recent Legal Developments in International Finance (18 May 2004)
- Corporate Crime and the Enron/Arthur Anderson Debacle (10 May 2004)
- International Treaties on Organised Crime (5 March 2004)
- Japan’s Corporate Governance Mechanism and the Law of Banking Practices (12 January 2004)
- Current Issues in Corporate Law and Securities Regulation in the US, China and Hong Kong (29 November 2003)
- Legal Reform in Asia (28 October 2003)
- The Death Penalty: A Crisis in Human Rights? (26 September 2003)
- The Proposed Basel II Capital Accord: Implications for Financial Markets in Asia (8 January 2003)
- Corporate Governance Reform in East Asia: Comparative Perspectives for Hong Kong (30 November 2002)
- Reforms to China’s Foreign Trade Law System After WTO Accession (19 November 2002)
- Combating Terrorist Financing: Implications for Financial Markets (30 October 2002)
- A Framework for the Delisting of Penny Stocks in Hong Kong (23 October 2002)
- The Role of Courts in a Society Based on Law (10 September 2002)
- Parallel Imports and Exhaustion (International Comparison) (3 July 2002)
- The CMI/UNCITRAL Preliminary Draft Instrument on Transport Law (2 May 2002)
- Regulation and the Complexity of Culture (3 April 2002)
- The Transformation of the Global Economy, the Other Harmful Tax Competition, and Why a Few Countries Have Expanding Tax Bases, But Most Countries Have Eroding Tax Bases (14 December 2001)
- Criminal Justice and China’s Foreign Relations (14 November 2001)
- Ideology, Experience, and the Rule of Law in Developing Societies (31 May 2001)
- Mr Philip Wellons, Deputy Director, Program on International Financial Systems, Harvard Law School, presented a seminar on his Program’s financial law research agenda, 1 December 2000
- Mr Ronald Harmer, Consultant, Blake Dawson Waldron (Australia) and Staff Consultant, Asian Development Bank, spoke on the effort by UNCITRAL to develop a model bankruptcy law, 20 November 2000