Fellow Publications

“The Seeming Paradox of Prevention: Dispute Mitigation by Multilateral Development Banks”, 43(2) C.J.Q., March 2024, 142-168; University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2024/04, available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4746737
“Comparative International Arbitration Law” In Mathias Siems and Po Jen Yap (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Comparative Law, Cambridge University Press, January 2024, 610-624
Forming Transnational Dispute Settlement Norms, Soft Law and the Role of UNCITRAL’s Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific, Edward Elgar Publishing
New Frontiers in Asia-Pacific International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution edited by Luke Nottage, Shahla Ali, Bruno Jetin, Nobumichi Teramura, Walters Kluwer
Ali S and Komolo E, “UNCITRAL’s Engagement in African and Latin American Dispute Resolution and Reform”, 35:3 Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, May 2020
Bantekas, I., Ortolani, P., Ali, S., Gomez, M., & Polkinghorne, M. (2020). UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration: A Commentary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108633376
Professor Douglas W. Arner
Arner D.W., Zetzsche D.A., Buckley R.P., and Kirkwood J., “The Financialisation of Crypto: Designing an International Regulatory Consensus” 53 Computer Law and Security Review, May 2024, 105970
Buckley R.P., Arner D.W. and Zetzsche D.A., Fintech: Finance, Technology and Regulation, Cambridge University Press, November 2023, 287 pp
Zetzsche D.A., Arner D.W. and Buckley R.P., “Sustainability, Financial Inclusion and Efficiency: A Trilemma or a Trifecta for the Regulation of Digital Finance?”, 39(3) Banking & Finance Law Review, August 2023, 445-466; University of New South Wales Law Research Paper No. 23-25, available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4527464
Three Decades of International Financial Crises: What Have We Learned and What Still Needs to be Done? by Ross P. Buckley, Emilios Avgouleas, and Douglas W. Arner, ADB Working Paper Series
Securitization in East Asia by Paul Lejot (University of Hong Kong), Douglas Arner (University of Hong Kong), Lotte Schou-Zibell (ADB), ADB Working Paper Series
Financial Stability, Economic Growth and the Role of Law by Douglas Arner (University of Hong Kong), Cambridge University Press
Property Rights, Collateral and Creditor Rights in East Asia by Douglas Arner (University of Hong Kong), Paul Lejot (University of Hong Kong), Charles Booth (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa), Berry Fong Chung Hsu, ResearchGate
Asia’s Debt Capital Markets: Prospects and Strategies for Development (The Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovation and Economic Growth, 6), Edited by Douglas W. Arner (Editor), Jae-Ha Park (Editor), Paul Lejot (Editor), Qiao Liu (Editor), Milken Institute | Springer
Financial Markets in Hong Kong: Law and Practice 2nd ed by Douglas Arner; Berry Hsu; Say H. Goo; Syren Johnstone; Paul Lejot; Maurice Kwok-Sang Tse, Oxford University Press
Financial Restructuring and Reform in Post-WTO China Edited by James R. Barth, Zhongfei Zhou, Douglas Arner, Berry F.C. Hsu, Wei Wan, Kluwer Law International
Financial crises in the 1990s : a global perspective by Arner, Douglas W., Yokoi-Arai, Mamiko and Zhongfei Zhou, British Institute of International and Comparative Law
Financial Regulation: A Guide to Structural Reform by Douglas ARNER and Jan-Juy LIN, Sweet & Maxwell Hong Kong
Professor Giuliano G. Castellano
“Don’t Call It a Failure: Systemic Risk Governance for Complex Financial Systems”, In Traci Burch and Christopher W. Schmidt (eds), Law & Social Inquiry, Cambridge University Press, March 2024, First View 1-42
Commercial Law Intersections by Giuliano Castellano and Andrea Tosato, Hastings Law Journal
Professor Felix Chan
Yuan M., Kao B., Wu T.H., Cheung M.M.K., Chan H.W.H., Cheung A.S.Y., Chan F., and Chen Y., “Bringing Legal Knowledge to the Public by Constructing a Legal Question Bank Using Large-scale Pre-trained Language Model” In Kevin D. Ashley, Giovanni Sartor, Matthias Grabmair, and Katie Atkinson (eds), Artificial Intelligence and Law, Springer, July 2023
Professor Thomas Cheng
“Competition Law and AI”, In Ernest Lim and Philip Morgan (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Private Law and Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge University Press, March 2024, 472-491
Competition Law in Developing Countries, Oxford University Press
Professor Wilson Chow
Chow W.S. and Li C.C.Y., Encyclopaedia of Hong Kong Taxation Vol 1 – Stamp Duty (Issue 31), Hong Kong/Singapore/Malaysia/India, LexisNexis, April 2024
Chen J. and Chow W.S., “Global Minimum Tax Reform and the Future of Tax Competition” 77(8) Bulletin for International Taxation, August 2023, 14 pp
Chow W.S., Mariani S. and Leung S., Encyclopaedia of Hong Kong Taxation Vols 3 to 5 – Taxation of Income (Issues 46 and 47), Hong Kong / Singapore / Malaysia / India, LexisNexis, July and October 2023
Professor Richard Cullen
Cullen R., “The BRI Gets it Right”, Pearls and Irritations, February 2024
Cullen R., “How the Chinese Diaspora Paved the Way for BRI”, FridayEveryday, October 2023
Professor Say Goo
International Financial Sector Reform: Standard Setting and Infrastructure Development, by Say Goo, Douglas Arner and Zhongfei Zhou, Kluwer Law International
Financial Markets in Hong Kong: Law and Practice 2nd ed by Douglas Arner; Berry Hsu; Say H. Goo; Syren Johnstone; Paul Lejot; Maurice Kwok-Sang Tse, Oxford University Press
Professor Weixia Gu
Arbitration in Comparative Perspective (Chapter 21) by Weixia Gu in Comparative Dispute Resolution, Edward Elgar Publishing
New Frontiers in Asia-Pacific International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution edited by Luke Nottage, Shahla Ali, Bruno Jetin, Nobumichi Teramura | By Vivienne Bath, James Claxton, Clyde Croft, Weixia Gu, Hu Jiaxiang, Jeanne Huang, Michael Hwang, Albert Monichino, Anselmo Reyes, Jaivir Singh, S.I. Strong, Ana Ubilava, Marilyn Warren, A. Vijayalakshmi Venugopal, Brett Williams, Walters Kluwer
Professor Eric Ip
The Freest Market in the World: The Constitutional Logic of Economic Liberty in China’s Hong Kong by Gonzalo Villalta Puig and Eric Ip, London: Routledge
Judging Regulators: The Political Economy of Anglo-American Administrative Law, Elgar Monographs in Constitutional and Administrative Law series
Syren Johnstone
Financial Markets in Hong Kong: Law and Practice 2nd ed by Douglas Arner; Berry Hsu; Say H. Goo; Syren Johnstone; Paul Lejot; Maurice Kwok-Sang Tse, Oxford University Press
Professor Kelvin Kwok
‘Hub-and-spoke’ bid-rigging and corporate attribution under Hong Kong Competition Law, Journal of Antitrust Enforcement
Professor Emily Lee
“Advancing Digital Economy and Financial Inclusion through Central Bank Digital Currencies: A Comprehensive Analysis of Policies and Legal Implications through e-CNY and e-Naira”, 25 African Journal of International and Comparative Law, forthcoming
“Digitalization and Tokenization of Money: Exploring Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Theories and Retail CBDC Developments in China and Beyond”, 41(2) Banking and Finance Law Review, forthcoming
Digital Financial Inclusion: Observations and Insights from Hong Kong’s Virtual Banks
Professor Gary Meggitt
Meggitt G., “Marine Insurance Fraud and Emerging Technology” In Ӧzlem Gürses (ed), Research Handbook on Marine Insurance Law, Edward Elgar, March 2024, 275-305