Consumer Law and Policy

Convenor: Kelvin Kwok

Kelvin HF Kwok specialises in the comparative, economic and philosophical analysis of competition and consumer law and policy, with particular interest in technology-related issues. His monograph on Hong Kong competition law (co-authored with Thomas Cheng) was published by Cambridge University Press in 2021.

The Consumer Law and Policy Seminars aim to facilitate dialogue between academics, students, policy-makers, practitioners, and business managers on cutting-edge issues of consumer law and policy relevant to the financial sector. Speakers are invited from a wide variety of backgrounds to share their knowledge and expertise.

Past Events included:

1. Consumer Protection for Insurance Services: Evaluating Hong Kong’s Sector-specific Approach, Dr Victor Hung, Head, Planning & Trade Practices Division, Consumer Council, 6 March 2019 (Inaugural Seminar)

2. Is My Financial Adviser Advising Me? Does He Have to? Obligations of Financial “Advisers” at Common Law, José-Antonio Maurellet SC, Senior Counsel, Des Voeux Chambers, 26 April 2019

3. Legal Regulation for the Fourth Industrial Age, Professor Geraint Howells, Chair Professor of Commercial Law and Dean, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong, 20 May 2019

4. Enhancing Investor Protection via Regulatory Updates, Professor Anna Wong, Faculty of Business and Economics, HKU, 17 September 2019

5. Book Talk: Consumer Theories of Harm – An Economic Approach to Consumer Law Enforcement and Policy MakingProfessor Christine Riefa, School of Law, University of Reading, 30 November 2021

6. Book Talk: Reforming Antitrust, Alan J. Devlin, Partner, Latham & Watkins LLP, 24 February 2022

7. Book Talk: Hong Kong Competition Law – Comparative and Theoretical Perspectives, Thomas Cheng and Kelvin Kwok, Faculty of Law, HKU, 28 April 2022

8. Book Talk: Courts, Regulators, and the Scrutiny of Economic Evidence, Dr Despoina Mantzari, University College London, 13 December 2022

9. Book Talk: The Future of High-Cost Credit – Rethinking Payday Lending, Professor Jodi Gardner, University of Auckland, 12 May 2023

10. Book Talk: Coherence between Data Protection and Competition Law in Digital Markets, Dr Klaudia Majcher, 18 January 2024

11. Antitrust Remedies for Digital Platforms, Professor Felix B. Chang, 4 June 2024