BigFintechs and their impacts on sustainable development
AIIFL | UNDP – UNCDF Technical Paper 1.1
BigFinTechs and their impacts on sustainable development by Katherine Foster, Sofie Blakstad, Martijn Bos, Sangita Gazi, Charlotte Melkun and Becky Shapiro :: UNDP-UNCDF Technical Paper 1.1
Executive Summary: BigFintechs (BFTs) have become new giants of global finance bringing with them key new challenges,1particularly for emerging and developing economies.2The purpose of this Technical Paper is to garner a more robust understanding of the emerging impacts (positive and negative) of BFTs across the full spectrum of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to better inform the dialogue around a new generation of governance innovations to address such impacts, particularly with regard to least developed countries (LDCs). Download the paper to continue reading